- 9 minutes to read

Configuring the Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent

This guide teaches how to configure the Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent to enable Monitoring Logic Apps and Logging from Logic Apps. Make sure to read the About Logic Apps Logging options user guide first.

Note: The Monitoring and the remote configuration is available if you first install and create the initial Monitoring Agent Configuration for the Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent. First-time users start here.

Remote Configuration

As a Nodinite Administrator, click on the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent:

Remote Configuration
Click the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent

Many specific configurations can also be made directly on the Resource using the Action button if the Monitor View uses the Remote Actions feature enabled.

You must be a Nodinite Administrator to manage Azure Subscriptions with Azure Logic Apps.

Add Azure Subscription with Logic Apps

Azure access information is required; follow the Prerequisites and the 'Azure Applications Access' user guide first if you have not yet configured and created an Azure AD application and service principal to access Azure resources.

The Logic Apps tab holds an array with one or more Subscription configurations.
Remote Configuration Subscriptions
Add your Azure Subscriptions to Log and Monitor

  • Press the Add button to add one (or more) Azure subscription(s):
    Empty Accordion
    Example subscription configuration, one Accordion per configuration

  • Repeat this step for each of your Azure subscriptions to Log and/or Monitor with Nodinite

Click the Accordion to expand the subscription configuration, and you can then manage the content of the configuration.
Example with configuration tabs

Basic tab

From the Basic tab, you can enter the basic information about the Azure Subscription configuration with Logic Apps to use:
Basic tab

  • Enabled - When checked, this Azure Subscription configuration is enabled
  • Configuration name - The User-friendly Name of this Azure Subscription configuration
  • Use the Azure subscription name as the Application name - When checked; Use the Azure subscription name instead of the configuration name as the first part of the Application name.
  • Use a short Application name - When checked; Display a shorter Application name, e.g.'configuration name / resource group' instead of 'configuration name / resource group / logic app name'

Logging tab

In order to Monitor failed runs, you must enable the Logging Apps tracking feature.

  • Enable logging - When checked; Runs (events and payload) are logged from your Logic Apps
  • LogAPI URI - The LogAPI URI for the specified Nodinite instance, e.g. http://localhost/Nodinite/LogAPI/
  • Log Agent Value Id - A unique positive integer (Id) identifying this Log Agent (Stamp the Log Events with this Id)

NOTE: You should not change the LogAgentId once set since already logged events and messages within Nodinite are already married to this particular Log Agent Value Id

  • Logic App Runs log level - The logging level to apply for the Logic App runs (default is Full)
    Log Levels
    Example of the different available log levels

Filter options

The Diagnostics logging feature in Azure for Logic Apps produces a verbose logging. You can limit the events that actually gets logged to Nodinite.

There are two different types of settings:

NOTE: These settings are mutually exclusive!

  • Successful runs - If you are not interested in runs that succeeds, please leave all checkboxes empty.
  • Failed runs - Maybe your are only interested in the runs that fails, please check the checkboxes according to your need.

You can supersede the global Logging settings for each Resource Group.

  • Run - When checked; Run will be logged
  • Trigger - When checked; Trigger will be logged
  • Actions - When checked; Actions will be logged
  • Only 1st Repetition - When checked; Only 1st Repetition in actions will be logged
  • Logic Apps Runs include filter - Add filter expression to only log the runs that matches the specified named tracked properties.

NOTE: If you add one or more filter expressions, the run Logs only if there is any match. The shape with the tracked property must have been executed! If you have conditional branches, make sure to deal with this fact.

Resource groups tab

From the Resource groups tab, you can enter information about what Resource Groups to include in monitoring and the logging options to use:
Resource Groups tab

Click the Add button to add a Resource Group.

Repeat this step for each Resource Group*

You must enter the name of an existing Azure Resource Group.

Resource group

The following fields exist:

  • Enabled - When checked, Monitor and Log the Logic Apps in this Resource Group according to the specification.

  • Use Resource group logging settings - When checked, Monitor and Log the Logic Apps in this Resource Group according to the specification.

  • Resource Group name - Name of the Resource Group with Logic apps within this Subscription configuration.
    Missing resource group
    Resource groups to monitor, and if you remove or rename them in Azure, you must change them accordingly in the configuration.

  • Run log level - The effective logging level for Logic App runs in this Resource Group (default is Global)

You can supersede the global Logging settings for each Resource Group.

Run log level

You can also manage the list of Resource groups from a Monitor View with the Subscription category.
Details action from Monitor View

Click the Details action menu item to open a modal to select which Resource groups to include in the Monitoring and Logging.
Resource groups

Event Hubs tab

You can enter information about what Event Hubs to fetch diagnostics data from the Event Hubs tab. This setting is vital for the Logging feature:

Event Hubs tab

Click the Add button to add an Event Hub configuration.

Repeat this step for each Event Hub

The following required fields exist:

  • Event Hubs Namespace Connection string - The Azure Event Hubs namespace connection string to use for this configuration
  • Event Hub name - Name of the Event Hub set in the Diagnostic settings for Logic Apps
  • Storage Connection string - The Azure Storage Connection string with the Storage Container with the Checkpoint for the specified Event Hub entity
  • Checkpoint Storage Container name - Name of the Storage Container in use to store the checkpoint/offset for the specified Event Hub entity
You must make sure to comply with the prerequisites! Otherwise; The Logging feature will not be operational.
graph LR subgraph "Azure Cloud / Subscriptions" storage(fa:fa-boxes Checkpoint Storage Container) A[fal:fa-clouds Logic App
with diagnostic setting] --> B(fa:fa-list Azure Event Hub entity) end subgraph "Nodinite Instance" B --- C[fal:fa-monitor-waveform Azure Logic Apps
Logging and Monitoring agent] C--- db(fa:fa-database Monitoring Database) C --> |Log Event| F[fa:fa-cloud-download Nodinite's Log API] C --- |Checkpoint| storage storage -.- |NOTE 1:1 relationship| B end

Authentication tab

From the Authentication tab, you can enter information about how the agent connects with the configured Azure subscription:

Authentication tab

You must set the following properties for each Azure Subscription:

  • SubscriptionId
  • TenantId
  • ClientId
  • ClientSecret

TIP: Review Azure Application Access page for additional information and learn how to obtain the mandatory values

Logic Apps

When Monitoring is enabled, the Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent evaluate the outcome of runs. If a run fails only once, the Resource for that particular logic with category Logic App - Runs is in the Error state until the error has been cleared, either manually using the Remote Action clear or an Auto Healing operation sets the Clear Date Time property (to the point in time when the action was executed...).

This record creates automatically by the system on the first run failure. If you need to alter the time, this is the place to do so.

Settings tab

From within the Settings tab, you provide some details that determine the operation behaviour of the Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent.

  • Environment
  • Debug
  • Culture Information
  • Agent database connection string
  • Days to keep resource logs
    Settings Tab


As part of the common features shared with all Monitoring Agents is an option to set the name of the target Environment, for example, TEST, QA, PROD.


Part of the common features shared with all Monitoring Agents, is an option to set the Debug flag for additional file logging that can be enabled/disabled as needed. Default is unchecked.

Culture Information

The Culture Information setting determines how time-based data from this agent presents in the Web Client/Web API.

Agent database connection string

The Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent is using a SQL Server Database to store data. Among other things, this database holds data about the number of retries resubmitting failed runs. This feature is unique with Nodinite.

Server=localhost;Database=Nodinite_Agent_AzureLogicApps;Integrated Security=SSPI;Connection Timeout=5

Example of a connection string

Days too keep resource logs

Specify the number of days to keep resource logs in the agent database of (default = 28 days).


You must click Save for changes to be written to the agent and take effect.
Save and Close buttons

NOTE: The delay in presenting the new evaluated state depends on the synchronisation interval set for the monitoring agent. Click the Sync Now button to force an immediate synchronisation.

Save and close, save, and close the dialogue.
Cancel, close the dialogue without saving any changes.

Add Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent Configuration

After successfully installing the Nodinite Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent, you must provide connection details so the Monitoring Service knows there's a new guy in town.

No monitoring or other configuration of the Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent can perform before the steps outlined below has been executed.

Configuration Steps

  1. Add and configure a new Monitoring Agent Configuration
  • Connection information is available in the README.txt file in the installation folder

  1. Use the Remote Configuration feature to configure the agent. Detailed at the beginning of this user guide.

  2. Create one or more self-service enabled Monitor Views that include the selected Resources provided by the Azure Logic Apps Logging and Monitoring Agent according to business needs.

  1. Fine-tune specific settings directly on Resources using Remote Actions

How do I grant my users access to logic apps monitoring?

This is detailed in the User access to logic apps monitoring guide

How do I grant my users access to logic apps logging?

This is detailed in the User access to logic apps logging guide

Next Step