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Custom Metadata

Use Custom Metadata to provide your delivery model. This is key to a manageable system integration platform. Configure the Repository Model model and provide useful information to key stakeholders when needed the most.

  • Custom Metadata is a CMDB feature, e.g. there are relationships between objects.
  • Can be used to replace Excel, Databases, Enterprise Architect, Word documents, Sharepoint, Wikis.
  • Use the Filter feature to gain reporting insights.

Custom Metadata provides more powerful features compared to Custom Fields. The main difference is that Custom Metadata is expected (Mandatory in a sense) and custom fields are totally optional everywhere within the Nodinite Repository Model.

  • Single-value attribute from the list
  • Multi-value attributes from the list
  • Files (word documents, images, zip files, ...)

Custom Metadata Overview

Nodinite comes pre-loaded with plugins for most common scenarios. Custom Metadata can be Set, re-used and assigned on each of the artifacts in the Repository Model model.

Message Types

Information is displayed in both the Web Client and as part of email alerts sent from the Monitoring Service.

The lists are "global" but a different set of values can be used on the artifacts of the Repository Model model.

Reuse Example

  • Integration "INT001" with Custom Metadata "Technical Contacts" can have Henrik and Michael assigned
  • Integration "INT002" with Custom Metadata "Technical Contacts" can have only Henrik assigned
  • Integration "INT003" with Custom Metadata "Technical Contacts" can have Henrik, John and Michael assigned

TIP: Use Custom Metadata to provide any piece of information that you may share with your organization. This is Key to a successful support and maintenance service.

Single Value Example

Use when there can only be one value selected for the Custom Metadata. A good example would be SLA Level. It is not logical to assign more than exactly one value for this kind of Custom Metadata. Selected Value example from a list (Gold, Silver, Bronze) could be Gold.

Multi Value Attribute Example

Use when there can be more than one value selected for the Custom Metadata. A good example would be Technical Contact. It is logical to assign more than one value for this kind of Custom Metadata. Selected Value example from a list (Michael, Henrik, John) could be Michael and John.

Dynamically loaded Example

When Nodinite is about to render the Repository Model tab in the Web Client the Custom Metadata plugin is fed with all available data from Monitoring or Logging.
The plugin can, therefore, hold logic to access web services, databases to return the value for the Custom Metadata at run-time.

  • One example could be for logged orders where the temperature of the destined City is displayed.
  • Another example could be a generated link to some documentation web site (WIKI/Sharepoint) based on provided data.

From File Example

Any file can be uploaded. Images will be displayed in the Web Client. Since there can be multiple files and potentially large files; email alerts are sent with links to these files. This is done to conserve bandwidth and the behaviour is by design.

Filter on Custom Metadata

New 6.1 You can use up to four filters on each Overview page.

Next Step

Add or manage Custom Metadata
Add or manage Integration
Add or manage System
Add or manage Service
Add or manage Endpoint
Add or manage Message Types

Custom Metadata - Overview
Repository Model
Message Types