- 13 minutes to read

Configuring the Nodinite Non-Events Monitoring Agent

This guide teaches how to configure the Nodinite Non Events Monitoring Agent as a new Monitoring Agent.

Note: The Monitoring and the remote configuration is available if you first install and create the initial Monitoring Agent Configuration for the Non Events Monitoring Agent. First-time users start here.

Remote Configuration

As a Nodinite Administrator, click on the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent:

Click the 'Configuration' button to open a modal to configure the agent

Many specific configurations can also be made directly on the Resource using the Action button, given the Monitor View has the Remote Actions feature enabled.

You must be a Nodinite Administrator to Manage the collection of Non-Event configurations.

Add Non-Events

The Non-Events tab holds an array with one or more configurations.
Add First Non Event Add your Non Events log configuration to Monitor.

  • Click the Add button to add one (or more) Non-Events configuration(s):

    • Expand the accordion for further configuration
  • Repeat this step for each of your Non-Events log configurations to Monitor with Nodinite

Basic Tab

In the Basic Tab, you provide the basic information about the specific Non-Events configuration.

  • Enabled - When checked, this Non-Event configuration is enabled.
  • Name - The user-friendly display name for this specific Non-Event configuration.
  • Description - The user-friendly description for this specific Non-Events configuration.
  • Log View API URI - Determines which 'Log View' to use. Simply copy and paste the URI from the 'Copy API URI' dialogue available within the Log View

Copy the address from a Log View, the button is available after performing a search.
Click the Copy API URL button to get a suggested Address.

The URL is generated by the system, and you may need to tune it according to your actual IIS environment. If the agent is installed on the same server as Nodinite Core Services, then try http://localhost/... instead
If the Log View has a Time Interval Configuration, it must allow the detailed time search and perform the actual search NOT using one of the pre-defined time intervals. The API URL you copy; must use a custom time format.
  • Search time-span - Determines how far back in time to perform the search for 'Full interval' and 'Partial interval' evaluations. Format (days.hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 7.12:30:59)

Example of a non-events configuration, there is one accordion per configuration.

Full interval tab

From within the Full interval tab, you can configure the rules for one whole interval. This whole interval is defined as the Full interval. Specific Partial Interval configurations (subsets) of this Full Interval configuration can be defined and is detailed further in the Partial interval tab.

Full interval tab

  • Enable full interval evaluation - Enabled when checked


  • Warning - Min - The minimum number of expected events. If the number of events is lower than the specified value, a Warning alert is raised
  • Warning - Max - The maximum number of expected events. If the number of events is higher than the specified value, a Warning alert is raised
  • Warning - Log Text -The log text to display when raising the warning instead of the default log text


  • Error - Min - The minimum number of expected events. If the number of events is lower than the specified value, an Error alert is raised
  • Error - Max - The maximum number of expected events. If the number of events is higher than the specified value, an Error alert is raised
  • Error - Log Text - The log text to display when raising the error instead of the default log text

Partial interval tab

You can add one or more Partial Intervals to monitor. A partial interval always spans less time than the Full interval.
Empty partial interval
Example of how to add Partial Interval configurations to monitor

Each partial interval has a name and its own independent configuration. Partial intervals may intersect one another.

New Empty Non Events configuration

  • Display Name - Display Name for the interval, if not set the name will be set like: [Auto generated name: Interval: 'Monday 08:00:00 - Monday 16:59:59']

Note: If you leave this field empty Nodinite will automatically change the Display Name according to the current configuration.

If you are pinpointing individual Resources by name... then make sure to review your Monitor Views after changing the configuration on Partial Intervals to make sure they are still being actively monitored!!!

Then there are two tabs with additional properties to configure:

  1. Interval tab
  2. Thresholds tab

Interval Tab

Yoo can configure the time-based properties in the Interval tab:
Interval Tab
Example of a new empty Partial Interval

  • Partial interval type - Choose the type of evaluation for this partial interval
    Partial Interval Type
    Select the type of evaluation to use
Partial Interval Type Description Comment
Default Evaluates the whole interval To evaluate the whole interval the current time of day must have passed the end date/time
Multiple Days Same as the Default option repeated for the selected days
Sliding Window Evaluate the events in a sliding window (Floating) Monitoring is Active when the current time of day has passed the Start Date/Time + the Floating time span since the latter must have passed to evaluate the interval
Sliding Window - Multiple Days Same as the Floating option repeated for the selected days
  • Start day - Select a start day for the interval

  • Start time - Time of day. Format (hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 10:10:00)

  • End day - Select an end day for the interval

  • End time - Time of day. Format (hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 13:37:42)

Thresholds tab

In the Thresholds tab number based properties are configured:
Thresholds tab
Example of thresholds tab for configuring Partial intervals


  • Warning - min - The minimum number of expected events. If the number of events is lower than the specified value, a Warning alert is raised
  • Warning - max - The maximum number of expected events. If the number of events is higher than the specified value, a Warning alert is raised
  • Warning - Log Text - The log text to display when raising the warning instead of the default log text


  • Error - min - The minimum number of expected events. If the number of events is lower than the specified value, an Error alert is raised
  • Error - max - The maximum number of expected events. If the number of events is higher than the specified value, an Error alert is raised
  • Error - Log Text - The log text to display when raising the error instead of the default log text

Monthly interval tab

The Monthly interval is designed to deal with transactions that happen each month but not necessarily on a specific date but within a defined range.

NonEventsMonthlyIntervalEmptyTab Example of empty Monthly interval tab

Click the Add button to add a Monthly interval configuration.

Interval Tab

In the Interval tab you will next configure the type of evaluation and some boundaries.


  • Start day - Select the start day in the month for the interval; You may also use negative values like -1 for the last day of the month and so on
  • End day - Select the end day in the month for the interval; You may also use negative values like -1 for the last day of the month and so on

Thresholds tab

In the Thresholds tab number based properties are configured:
Monthly thresholds tab
Example of thresholds tab for configuring monthly intervals


  • Warning - min - The minimum number of expected events. If the number of events is lower than the specified value, a Warning alert is raised
  • Warning - max - The maximum number of expected events. If the number of events is higher than the specified value, a Warning alert is raised
  • Warning - Log Text - The log text to display when raising the warning instead of the default log text


  • Error - min - The minimum number of expected events. If the number of events is lower than the specified value, an Error alert is raised
  • Error - max - The maximum number of expected events. If the number of events is higher than the specified value, an Error alert is raised
  • Error - Log Text - The log text to display when raising the error instead of the default log text

Ignore dates

You can add one or more repeating dates to ignore.

  • Click the Add button to add one (or more) date time configuration(s):
    • Expand the accordion for further configuration

Add ignore date for non events interval Example of the Ignore dates tab for non events

  • Repeat this step for each of your non-events log configurations to Monitor with Nodinite

Ignore dates

  • Ignore date
    • YYYY will be replaced with the current year
    • MM will be replaced with the current month
    • DD will be replaced with the current day

It is the starting date of any Non-Events that will be ignored if logged events occur/start on those days matching the configuration.

Authentication tab

If the service account running the Non Events Monitoring Agent does not have access rights to the Log View you can impersonate the call to the underlying Web API.

We recommend that you create a Non-Events role where the service account running the Non Events Monitoring Agent is a member and add this role to all Log View to be monitored for non events.


  • Use Impersonation - Impersonate the call on the Log View, by default, the account running the Non-Events Monitoring Agent is used

If you check this checkbox a * will be displayed in the authentication tab to help you know that the Non-Events configuration uses impersonation.

Enter credentials for the account that has access rights to the Log View

Add Ack/NAck

Use grouped Log Views to evaluate that you get the next expected message within the right time. This feature also has the option to make sanity checks helping you detect duplicates and other anomalies regarding the count of messages within the grouped Log View.

This feature is very useful for all types of order-/orderresponse, invoice/payment, action/reaction type of scenarios.

The ACK/NAK tab holds an array with one or more configurations.
Empty AckNak Tab
Add your Ack/NAK log configuration to Monitor

  • Click the Add button to add one (or more) ACK/NAK configuration(s):

    • Expand the accordion for further configuration
  • Repeat this step for each of your ACK/NAK log configurations to Monitor with Nodinite.

Basic Tab

In the Basic Tab you provide basic information about the Non-Events configuration.

  • Enabled - When checked this Non-Event configuration is enabled.
  • Name - The user-friendly display name for this specific Non-Event configuration.
  • Description - Description for this specific Non-Event configuration.
  • Log View API URI - Determines which 'Log View' to use. Simply copy and paste the URI from the 'Copy API URI' dialogue available within the Log View

Copy the address from a Log View Copy API URL
Click the Copy API URL button to get the Address to use (do not change anything, just copy and paste)

The URL is generated by the system, and you may need to tune it according to your actual IIS environment. If the agent is installed on the same server as Nodinite Core Services, then try http://localhost/... instead.
If the grouped Log View has a Time Interval Configuration, it must allow the detailed time search, and perform the actual search NOT using one of the pre-defined time intervals. The API URL you copy; must use a custom time format.
  • Search time span - Determines how far back in time to perform the evaluation. Format (days.hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 7.12:30:59)



Here you will find some more additional options to limit the number of groups to evaluate and also the option to warn for delayed records (The main feature here is to alert you for missing events... but you can also opt to get alerts for delayed events).

  • Maximum number of groups to evaluate - The maximum number of groups to evaluate. Higher values may impact performance and may waste valuable resources
  • Warn when delayed records are found - When checked, this ACK/NAK configuration is evaluated as being in state Warning when there are delayed events within the defined search time span

Limit the number of groups to evaluate and other more advanced options



Ignore Dates

You can add one or more repeating dates to ignore.

  • Click the Add button to add one (or more) date time configuration(s):
    • Expand the accordion for further configuration

Add ignore date for ACK/NAKs interval Example of the Ignore dates tab for ACK/NAKs

  • Repeat this step for each of your non-events log configurations to Monitor with Nodinite

Ignore dates

  • Ignore date
    • YYYY is replaced with the current year
    • MM is replaced with the current month
    • DD is replaced with the current day

It is the starting date of any Non-Events entried found that are ignored.


If the service account running the Non Events Monitoring Agent does not have access rights to the Log View you can opt to impersonate the call to the underlying Web API.

We recommend that you create a Non-Events role where the service account running the Non Events Monitoring Agent is a member and add this role to all Log View to be monitored for non events.


  • Use Impersonation - Impersonate the call on the Log View, by default, the account running the Non-Events Monitoring Agent is used

If you check this checkbox a * will be displayed in the authentication tab to help you know that this Non-Events configuration uses impersonation.

Enter credentials for the account that has access rights to the Log View

Settings tab

From within the Settings tab, you provide some details that determine the operational behaviour of the Non Events Monitoring Agent.

  • Environment
  • Debug
  • Culture Information



Part of the common features shared with all Monitoring Agents, there is an option to set the name of the target Environment, for example, TEST, QA, PROD.


Part of the common features shared with all Monitoring Agents, there is an option to set the Debug flag for additional file logging that can be enabled/disabled as needed. Default is unchecked.

Culture Information

The Culture Information setting determines how time-based data from this agent is presented in the Web Client/Web API.


You must click Save for changes to be written to the agent and take effect.
Save and Close buttons

NOTE: The delay in presenting the new evaluated state depends on the synchronisation interval set for the monitoring agent. Click the Sync Now button to force an immediate synchronisation.

Save and close - Save, and close the dialogue.
Cancel - Close the dialogue without saving any changes.

Add Non Events Monitoring Agent Configuration

After the successful installation of the Non Events Monitoring Agent you must provide Nodinite with connection details so the Monitoring Service knows there's a new guy in town.

No monitoring or other configuration of the Non Events Monitoring Agent can be performed before the steps outlined below has been executed.

Configuration Steps

  1. Add and configure a new Monitoring Agent Configuration

    • Connection information is available in the README.txt file in the installation folder

  2. Use the Remote Configuration feature to configure the agent. Detailed at the beginning of this user guide.

  3. Create one or more self-service enabled Monitor Views that include the selected Resources provided by the Non Events Monitoring Agent according to business needs.

  4. Fine-tune specific settings directly on Resources using Remote Actions

Next Step

Add or manage a Monitoring Agent Configuration
Add or manage Monitor View

Install Non Events Monitoring Agent
Monitoring Agents