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Retrying instance(s) Category

The Nodinite BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent monitors BizTalk Server Retrying instances for all BizTalk Applications in your group.

  • Retrying instances in BizTalk are listed within Nodinite as resources where the name is 'Retrying instance(s)'
  • Nodinite has the same notion of an Application where there is a 1:1 mapping with its BizTalk Application
  • Retrying instances are grouped by the Category Retrying instance(s)

Example of a Monitor View filtered by the 'Retrying instance(s)' category

All User operations within Nodinite are Log Audited which helps you with your security policies and corporate governance compliance policies

What are the key features for Monitoring BizTalk Server Retrying instances?

  • Remote Actions - Support the execution of remote actions
  • State Evaluation - Monitors and evaluates the run-time state

What is evaluated for BizTalk Retrying instances?

The different evaluated state for any Retrying instance is provided in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'File Share' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error threshold is breached More Retrying instances exist than is allowed by the Error thresholds level Details
Edit thresholds
Warning Warning threshold is breached More Retrying instances exist than is allowed by the Warning thresholds level Details
Edit thresholds
OK Within user-defined thresholds Number of Retrying instances are within user-defined thresholds Details
Edit thresholds

TIP: The evaluated state may be reconfigured using the Expected State functionality that exists on every Resource within Nodinite.


The following Remote Actions are available for the Retrying instance(s) Category:

Retrying Instance Actions Menu


To manage the Retrying instance(s) threshold for the selected BizTalk Server Application, press the Action button and select the Details button menu item:
ActionButton Details
Action button menu with 'Details' option

Next, the Modal where you can view details for current Retrying instance(s) is displayed:

Edit thresholds

To manage the Retrying instance(s) threshold for the selected BizTalk Server Application, press the Action button and select the Edit thresholds button menu item:
ActionButtonEdit thresholds
Action button menu with Edit thresholds option

Next the Modal where you can manage the alert threshold for Retrying instances for is displayed:

Time-based evaluation

Time-based evaluation is always evaluated. If you do not want to perform evaluation based on time then simply provide long enough thresholds.

State Name Data Type Description
Warning TimeSpan Timespan 00:13:37 (13 minutes 37 seconds) If the time of Retrying instance(s) exceeded The specified time, a Warning alert is raised. Format (days.hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 7.12:30:59)
Error TimeSpan Timespan 01:10:00 (1 hour 10 minutes) If the time of Retrying instance(s) exceeded The specified time, an Error alert is raised. Format (days.hours:minutes:seconds e.g. 7.12:30:59)

Count based evaluation

Provide positive integer values for number of allowed Retrying instances.

State Name Data Type Description
Warning Count integer If the number of Retrying instances is higher than the specified value, a Warning alert is raised
Error Count integer If the number of Retrying instances is higher than the specified value, an Error alert is raised

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