- 3 minutes to read

Receive Locations

The Nodinite BizTalk Monitoring Agent monitors Receive Locations from all BizTalk Applications. New (and/or removed) Receive Locations are automatically detected and managed by the monitoring agent.

  • Receive Locations in BizTalk are listed within Nodinite as resources where the name is the same as the Receive Location name.

  • Nodinite has the same notion of an Application where there is a 1:1 mapping with its BizTalk Application

  • Receive Locations are grouped by the Category Receive Location

Example of a Monitor View filtered by the 'Receive Location' category

All User operations within Nodinite are Log Audited which helps you with your security policies and corporate governance compliance policies



The following Remote Actions are available for the Receive Location Category:

Receive Location Actions Menu

  • Enable - Start receiving messages
  • Disable - Stop receiving messages
  • Tracking - View and manage Tracking Settings
  • Details - Displays information about the receive location

What are the key features for Monitoring BizTalk Server Receive Locations?

  • Remote Actions - Support the execution of remote actions
  • State Evaluation - Monitors and evaluates the run-time state

What is evaluated for Receive Locations?

The different evaluated state for any Receive Location is provided in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'BizTalk Receive Locations' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Disabled A Disabled Receive Locations renders as state 'Error' Enable
OK Enabled and running Receive Locations is operational, and no other problems are detected Disable

TIP: The evaluated state may be reconfigured using the Expected State functionality that exists on every Resource within Nodinite.


The BizTalk Monitoring Agent has support to filter unwanted resources, see Configuration for details.


The following problems and solutions may exist depending on your environment and configuration.

Schedule Task Adapter

Issues may exist with the BizTalk Schedule Task Adapter. Read more here


The Actions Enable and Disable for ports using the Schedule Task Adapter requires the Microsoft.BizTalk.Scheduler.dll to be loaded from the GAC. If you get an error like this executing the Action Enable/Disable, check that the files is really in the GAC on the server running the BizTalk Monitoring Agent.

Error on Action Start or Stop

Solution 1 using Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio:

Check if it is installed using Developer Command Prompt for Visual Studio

gacutil /l Microsoft.BizTalk.Scheduler

As long as you have If missing add the solution is to the assembly into the GAC, enter the proper path for the version of BizTalk

gacutil /i "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2\Microsoft.BizTalk.Scheduler.dll"

Add the dll to the GAC

Solution 2 using PowerShell


  1. Run the PowerShell console as Administrator (elevated mode)
  2. Enter the following PowerShell, enter the proper path according to installed path of your BizTalk Server
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::Load("System.EnterpriseServices, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a")
$publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish
$publish.GacInstall("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2\Microsoft.BizTalk.Scheduler.dll")

Add the dll to the GAC

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Monitoring Agents
Monitoring Agents