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Messages with negative ref count

The Nodinite BizTalk Monitoring Agent monitors BizTalk Server for Messages with negative ref count.

  • Messages with negative ref count in your BizTalk Server environment is listed within Nodinite as a resource where the name is 'Messages with negative ref count'.
  • The 'Messages with negative ref count' Resource belong to the BizTalk 'Health Check' Category

Example monitoring Resource 'Messages with negative ref count' as seen in a Monitor View

Category Name="Health Check"
Resource Name="Messages with negative ref count"

Messages with negative ref counts are the messages in the MessageRefCountLogTotals table with snRefCount less >than zero. Once a refcount goes negative, the MsgBox cleanup jobs will not be able to clean up the >corresponding message.

What are the key features for Monitoring BizTalk Server for Messages with negative ref count?

  • Remote Actions - Support the execution of remote actions
  • State Evaluation - Monitors and evaluates the run-time state

What is being evaluated for 'Messages with negative ref count'?

The evaluated state is provided by the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Resource not available Evaluation of the 'BizTalk Messages with negative ref count' is not possible either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Messages with negative ref count exists When Messages with negative ref count are above configured threshold Details
Warning Messages with negative ref count exists When Messages with negative ref count are above configured threshold Details
OK No Messages with negative ref count exists Normal state


The following Remote Actions are available for the Messages with negative ref count Resource:

  • Details - Details about 'Messages with negative ref count'
    • Remove - Fix the problem by repairing content in tables


In the Details modal you will see the number of 'Messages with negative ref count'.

You can also fix the problem by clicking on the Actions button and select Remove


The same functionality exists within Nodinite that the Microsoft Terminator tool has is the ability to remove 'Messages with negative ref count'.

  • Remove - Remove 'Messages with negative ref count'

Click the Actions button and click on the Remove menu item to fix the problem with 'Messages with negative ref count'.


NOTE: You must make sure to follow the instructions about stopped host instances backup and so on before executing the 'Remove' action

All User operations within Nodinite are Log Audited which helps you with your security policies and corporate governance compliance policies

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Monitor Views

Nodinite Microsoft BizTalk Server Monitoring Agent