- 7 minutes to read

Monitoring IIS Web Servers

Learn how to monitor the state and performance of your IIS Servers, Web Sites and Application pools

This page describes what's being monitored for IIS related items in Nodinite using one or more role-based Monitor Views. Nodinite monitors the state based on user-defined thresholds, either global or specific. For managing IIS related items, remote commands are available as Actions. These help you swiftly manage reported problems. The implemented Remote Actions are further detailed on this page.

IIS items as Resources Example list of monitored IIS related items in a Monitor View

Monitoring Features

  • Automatic Discovery
  • State Evaluation - Based on Running/Stopped status

    If Nodinite can't check the state of your IIS related items, chances are no one else can use them either

  • Category-based monitoring - To help you sort out the different type of IIS related items, the monitored Resources are grouped by Categories

The monitored IIS related items are displayed within Nodinite as Resources. For example, if you have 1 IIS Server, 2 Web Sites, and 3 application pools, then you will have 6 Resources in Nodinite.

  • The name of the Resources comes from the name of the deployed item
  • All monitored IIS related items belongs to one of the following 'IIS' Categories
Category Description
IIS (W3wp.exe) Make sure the W3WP.exe service is online
Web Sites Monitors the state of Web Sites
App Pools Monitors the state of Application Pools

List of IIS related categories as filter in a Monitor View

  • The Application name is based on the display name for the configuration name for monitored Windows Server: ApplicationPathExample

Each item (presented in Nodinite as a Resource) and is evaluated with a state. (OK, Warning, Error, Unavailable).

From within Nodinite, you can reconfigure the state evaluation on Resource level using the Expected State feature.

NOTE: Depending on the user-defined synchronisation interval set for the Windows Server Monitoring Agent, there might be a delay before Nodinite Web Client/Monitor Views reflects upon the change. Click the Sync All button (or on the dropdown for individual agent selection) to force Nodinite to request a resynchronisation request.

Option to force Nodinite to request a resynchronisation request

IIS (W3WP.exe)

For the Web Server, *IIS (W3WP.exe) category, the monitored state evaluates as described in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Service not available If the server can't be reached and evaluated either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error state raised The 'Site' is in the stopped state -
Warning Warning state raised Not yet implemented -
OK Online The 'IIS' accessible and is in the started state IIS Performance Counters

Actions for IIS

The following Remote Actions are available for the IIS Category:

IIS Performance Counters

You can view some statistics about the selected IIS instance, simply click on the Action button and then click on the IIS Performance Counters menu item within the 'Control Center' section.

IIS Performance Counters Menu Action
Show IIS statistics, using the 'IIS Performance Counters' action

Next, click the option to present the modal.

IIS Performance Counters
Example of ASP.NET performance counters

This modal is designed for the purpose of being used as a Widget in the Dashboard.

Web Sites

For the Web Sites, (IIS - Web Sites) category, the monitored state evaluates as described in the table below:

Web Sites as Resources

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Service not available If the server can't be reached and evaluated either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error state raised The 'Web Site' is in the stopped state Start
List Applications
Warning Warning state raised Not implemented N/A
OK Online The 'Web Site' is in the started state Stop
List Applications

Actions for IIS Web Sites

For the IIS Web Sites Category, the Windows Server Monitoring Agent provides the following Remote Actions:

Web site actions
List of Actions for Web Sites

List Applications

Select the List Applications option to get a list of current Applications and the status of the configured App Pool:
List Applications action menu option

Next, the Windows Server Monitoring Agent contacts the IIS instance and fetches information about the Web Site as requested. The result appears on the screen.
List Applications
Example of IIS Applications for the selected Web Site

The following actions exist:

Actions from List IIS Applications modal
Remote Actions for an IIS Application.

Start Application Pool

Start Application Pool

Stop Application Pool

Stop Application Pool

Recycle Application Pool

Recycle Application Pool

Start Web Site

Start the selected Web Site.
Start Web Site

You will then be prompted to continue with the operation.
Confirm start of the Web Site

Next, the Windows Server Monitoring Agent contacts the IIS instance and starts the Web Site as requested. The result appears on the screen.
Web Site started
Example of successful start Web Site operation

Stop Web Site

Stop the selected Web Site.
Stop Web Site

You will then be prompted to continue with operation.
Confirm stop Web Site

The Windows Server Monitoring Agent contacts the IIS instance and stops the Web Site. The result appears on the screen.
Web Site stopped

Restart Web Site

Restarts the selected Web Site.
Restart the Web Site

You will then be prompted to continue with operation.
Confirm start Web Site

The Windows Server Monitoring Agent contacts the IIS instance and stops the Web Site. The result appears on the screen.
Web Site Restarted successfully
Example of successful Restart Web Site operation

Restarting a Web Site is much more resource intensive and may affect many other applications. If possible, opt to recycle individual application pools instead

App Pools

For IIS Application Pools, (IIS - Application Pool) category, the monitored state evaluates as described in the table below:

State Status Description Actions
Unavailable Service not available If the server can't be reached and evaluated either due to network or security-related problems Review prerequisites
Error Error state raised The 'App Pool' is in the stopped state Start
Warning Warning state raised Not implemented N/A
OK Online The 'App Pool' is in the started state Stop

TIP: The evaluated state may be reconfigured using the Expected State functionality that exists on every Resource within Nodinite.

Actions for IIS App Pools

For the IIS App Pools Category, the Windows Server Monitoring Agent provides the following Remote Actions:

Remote Actions
Example of Remote Actions available from the Actions button in the Monitor Views

Start App Pool

Start the selected App Pool.
Start App Pool

You will then be prompted to continue with the operation.
Confirm start app pool

Next, the Windows Server Monitoring Agent contacts the IIS instance and starts the App Pool as requested. The result appears on the screen.
App pool started
Example of a successful start app pool operation

Stop App Pool

Stop the selected App Pool.
Stop App Pool

You will then be prompted to continue with operation.
Confirm stop app pool

The Windows Server Monitoring Agent contacts the IIS instance and stops the App Pool. The result appears on the screen.
App Pool stopped

Recycle App Pool

Recycles the selected App Pool.
Recycle the App Pool

You will then be prompted to continue with the operation.
Confirm start app pool

The Windows Server Monitoring Agent contacts the IIS instance and stops the App Pool. The result appears on the screen.
App Pool recycled successfully
Example of a successful recycle app pool operation

App Pool recycle failed
Example of a failed recycle app pool operation

The root cause for failing to recycle, can be either that the App Pool is currently stopped or configured with a user name / password combination that is incorrect. Review the IIS logs and the Windows Server event log for further troubleshooting


Use the Remote Configuration to manage the IIS configuration.


Click the IIS tab to manage IIS related Monitoring options.
Example of the 'IIS' tab

Within the IIS tab you have the following sub-tabs:

  • Basic

IIS Basic tab

From within the IIS basic tab you can manage essential settings for IIS Monitoring.

IIS Basic Tab

  • Enable Monitoring of IIS on this server - When checked, the state of the IIS, Web Sites and Application Pools is evaluated. If not checked, nothing at all is monitored.
  • Description - User-friendly short description for this configuration.

Next Step

Add or manage Monitor View

Windows Server Monitoring Agent
Monitor Views