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FAQ and Troubleshooting guide for the Nodinite Database Monitoring Agent

Below you will find solutions for different problems related to the use of the Database Monitoring Agent.

Password with Special characters

If your password has special characters like ; (semicolon), then you need to enclose your connection string within single quotes.

Not Working Example

Server=localhost;Database=MSDB;User Id=ServiceAccountName;Password=Da;Password;

Working Example

Server=localhost;Database=MSDB;User Id=ServiceAccountName;Password='Da;Password';

SQL Agent is Stopped/Disabled

If the SQL Agent is not started Monitor Views with the Nodinite Database Monitoring Agent may present a Resource with the following error message:
SQL Agent Disabled
Example error message for stopped/disabled SQL Server Agent

The English LogText content (may vary depending on language settings for SQL Server...):

SQL Server blocked access to procedure 'sys.xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs' of component 'Agent XPs' because this component is turned off as part of the security configuration for this server. A system administrator can enable the use of 'Agent XPs' by using sp_configure. For more information about enabling 'Agent XPs', search for 'Agent XPs' in SQL Server Books Online.	

To resolve this matter either

  1. Start the SQL Agent Windows Service for that SQL Server Instance using Microsoft Services MMC (Recommended option). Start SQL Server Agent

Starting the SQL Server Agent may also have the effect of existing SQL Server jobs (Including SSIS, Maintenance plans, ...) to start running

  1. Script option If you cannot start the agent, it is also possible to execute the following command (enabling the use of 'Agent XPs' without starting the SQL Server Agent)

Contact our support

If you still have any questions or have trouble with the Nodinite Database Monitoring Agent, don't hesitate to get in touch with us at support@nodinite.com