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AllowResubmit - System Parameter

Logged messages (Log Events) can be resent from the Nodinite Web Client if the following conditions are true:

  1. The AllowResubmit System Parameter is set to true
  2. For applicable Log Views; The Role is assigned the Allow Resend permission

The AllowRepair System Parameter has no meaning if the AllowResubmit System Parameter is set to false

The system parameter AllowResubmit is used to globally set if Nodinite should allow the Resend feature of Log Events, or not.

System Parameter Name Data Type Values/Example Comment
AllowResubmit boolean true/false Default = true (Allowed), should be true (Allowed) if you want to enable the resend feature for Log Events

This feature comes with Nodinite version 3

Frequently asked questions

Additional solutions to common problems and the FAQ for the Nodinite System Parameters exist in the Troubleshooting user guide.

How do I change the value?

Changing a value for the pre-defined System Parameters is described in the generic 'How do I change the System Parameters' article.

Do I need to restart anything?

This parameter is used by the Web Client to provide end-users the ability to resend Log Events. If you change this value then you do NOT need to restart anything. Changes are effective almost immediately.

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Log Events